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FCA Attends FOF

Posted Date: 10/20/2023

FCA Attends FOF

What a night. Mrs. Hopp and Coach Gibson had the opportunity to take almost 50 students to Fields of Faith Wednesday, and it was so incredibly special. Coach says, "we listened to some awesome testimonies, had worship, and were surrounded by other believers ready to proclaim their love of God. What made the night more special than anything else was watching two of my students, one I’ve known for about 6 years and one I’ve known her whole life, give their lives to Jesus. Getting to witness the best decision of their lives is what makes being busy and tired worth everything. As they were on the field, the rest of the students from LHS gathered together in groups to pray over each other and all of the other students there last night. (To say I cried a little is an understatement.) This group is so special and they are going to bring this world back to Jesus one person at a time. I’m so thankful I’m able to serve as their FCA sponsor and am so proud of everything these kids do." Thank you Coach Gibson and Mrs. Hopp for what you're doing for kids